Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Almost a month. Christmas has come and gone. I returned to my weight loss group a week before Christmas, and after being away for 6 months, had a 3 pound gain. Not so bad, you may think, well not so. The weight gain was not the problem, the mindset afterwards was. Due to the holidays, my weekly yoga classes have been cancelled till after the first of the year. My limited mobility enjoys the classes, a gentle yoga class Wed evenings, and a seated yoga class Friday mornings. They not only help my mobility, but keep me focused, and spiritually uplifted. That being said, my reserve for remaining true to my program fell to the wayside. It all started with cookies. Attending a cookie exchange party is not really a good idea for a person like me, who has little self control when it comes to yummy homemade cookies. Of course I tried each and every one, and bringing home a platter with 3 each of all the amazingly delicious cookies, put me on a slide. Trying my best to control my eating was difficult to say the least.  Shorty after came Christmas Eve, and more eating of amazing food..seafood: shrimp, scallops, mussels, calamari, lobster, and of course pasta, bread and antipasto.  Many deserts followed and my control was shot. This happened even before Christmas Eve, as we were eating out, and my choices were not weight loss friendly. Drinking of alcohol also added to the slide. My journey has hit many a rocky path on the way, and this one was just full of boulders. So over them I rode, making my way into candies, and foods that just do not belong in my body. So, what is the answer? How do I refocus and loose whatever gain that got added on during this fall? Determination! Goal set and in place! Mini goals to help me accomplish this! A purge of junk food from the house. Shopping for what I need to remain on course. Not being swayed by others that may or may not have a similar problem. Thinking about and believing in a positive outcome. Working to accomplish movement and incorporate into my daily routine to the best of my ability. Planning, a really important aspect for weight loss, by knowing what I need, and making sure I have access to what I need. Now, I missed a meeting of my group, as my day is Thursday, which was Christmas Eve. Same problem this week, New Year's Eve being Thursday. So what can be done? I will attend another meeting. There is one on Saturday mornings, and I will be going to that one January 2nd come what may. I will be fully prepared to face the consequences of my slip and slide behavior. There will be support, and I will share and not be judged. This is my journey. Each of us have our own unique journey, and in the time that is correct we will accomplish what we have set out to do. But we must work at it, and realize it may take us longer than others. Do not give up, that is key. Never say never. Know in every fiber of your being that you will do this! Yay! I am doing this!

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